2020 EVENT RESCHEDULED TO FALL 2020 DUE TO COVID-19. Check back here for details. 

Please visit our Facebook Event Page to keep up to date on all the event information.


Event 1 – THE BEAR

In 7 Minutes find a max weight for the following complex:
Power Clean
Front Squat
Push Press
Back Squat
Push Press

This complex is 1 rep of the Bear Complex. When the timer starts, you may load your bar to the first weight you’d like to lift.
Your first rep may be a Squat Clean Thruster and can continue on to a Back Squat Thruster, making sure depth is hit on the squats and full lockout is attained on the the Push Presses/Thrusters. 

Event 2 & 3 – TRIPLET FEVER

This event will consist of 2 – 5 minute AMRAPs with a 1:30 min break between them. 

#1 – 5 Min AMRAP
4 DB Hang Clean & Jerks
6 Toes to Bar
8 Box Jumps
MS/WS – 25/15lbs – Knee Raises – 20/16″
MI/MM/WI/WM- 35/25lbs – Toes to Bar – 24/20″
MIA/WIA – 50/35lbs – Toes to Bar – 24/20″

Rest 1:30 

#2 – 5 Min AMRAP
4 Devils Press
6 Pistols
8 Pull-ups
MS/WS – 25/15lbs – DB Front Squats – Ring Rows
MI/MM/WI – 35/25lbs – DB Front Squats – Pull-ups
MIA/WIA – 50/35lbs – Pistols – Chest to Bar Pull-ups

There will be two scoring opportunities for this event.
Score for each AMRAP – Max reps in each 5 minutes


This event is for time. A 15-min time cap will be enforced. 

50-40-30-20-10 reps of
Anchored Sit-ups
25-20-15-10-5 reps of
Calorie Row
10-8-6-4-2 reps of
*complete 50 sit-ups, then 25 cal row, then 10 deadlifts, then 40/20/8 and continue pattern until you are finished

WS – 50kg
MS/WI – 70kg
WIA – 85kg
MI/MM – 100kg
MIA – 120kg

Anchored Sit-ups – The athlete will have their feet anchored in 50lb Dumbbells with knees bent and butt on the ground. The athlete will start the rep by bringing their shoulder blades down to touch the ground and then bending hips to a 90 degree position where they will touch the sides of the dumbbells to complete the rep. An abmat will be available.
Rowing – Set up rower damper and feet restraints when you get to your lane
Deadlifts – This is a traditional deadlift with the hands outside the knees. Sumo deadlifts are not allowed. Starting with the barbell on the floor, the athlete lifts the bar until the hips and knees reach full extension, and the head and shoulders are behind the bar. The arms must be straight throughout. No bouncing.


What: Prairie CrossFit Throwdown
When: March 14, 2020 – RESCHEDULED TO FALL 2020
Where: Prairie CrossFit
Who: Scaled/Intermediate Athletes
Cost: $100

Winnipeg’s only individual competition exclusively for scaled and intermediate athletes. We are in our 8th year of hosting this event! We want to let athletes have the experience of preparing for something, having goals with a deadline and feeling the jitters of “321 go” that so many of us have been doing for years.

There will be prizes. There will be fun. There will be sweat!

We will have the following Divisions:
Scaled (M/F)
Intermediate (M/F)
Intermediate Advanced (M/F) *You can lift heavier weights but are missing a muscle up etc.
Masters (45+) (M/F) *These workouts will be at Intermediate weights/movements
Guaranteed 3 WOD’s & Floater

Scaled – You are either new to CrossFit, or just in it to have fun and get healthy. You should be familiar with all the standard CrossFit movements. You may or may not do the following movements in this comp but your skill set should include: Snatch 35/25kg, Clean and Jerk 45/30kg, Dumbbell Snatch 25/15lbs, Kettlebell Swing 35/25lbs, Ring Rows, Knee Raises and Single Unders.

Intermediate/Masters- Do some workouts RX’d. You are a seasoned athlete and can lift moderate weights but may be missing a muscle up or pistol in your repertoire. You may or may not do the following movements in this comp but your skill set should include: Snatch 50kg/35kg, Clean and Jerk 60kg/45kg, Dumbbell Snatch 35/25lbs, Kettlebell Swing 50/35lbs, Rope Climbs, Toes to Bar, Double Unders, Pull-ups and Hand-Stand Push-ups.

Intermediate Advanced – Do most workouts RX. Can lift heavier weights, but may be missing that elusive muscle up to take you to the next level. You may or may not do the following movements in this comp but your skill set should include: Snatch 60kg/45kg, Clean and Jerk 75kg/55kg, Dumbbell Snatch 50/35lbs, Kettlebell Swing 70/50lbs, Rope Climbs, Toes to Bar, Double Unders, Chest to Bar Pull-ups, Hand-Stand Push-ups and Pistol Squats.

*There will be 15 spots open for each division/gender except Masters where 8 spots will be open for each division/gender
*Once a division fills up a wait list will be made

*Please message us if you have questions on what division you should enter.