Lifestyle, Fitness & Performance

In teams of 2 (45 min CAP)
100 Sit-ups
100 Slamballs (25/15#)
80 Pull-ups or Ring Rows
80 OHS (35/25kg) Or Goblet Squats
60 Box Jump Overs (24/20”)
60 Thrusters (40/30kg) or use DB’s
40 T2B or Hanging Knee Raises
40 Front Squats (50/35kg) or use DB’s
20 Burpee Over Bar
20 Squat Clean Thrusters (60/40kg) or use DB’s
10 HSPU or from a box or bench
10 Deadlifts (70/50kg) or with KB(s)


Individual WOD

For time
35 – 30 – 25 – 20 – 15 – 10 – 5  reps of
Pull-ups or Ring Rows
Burpee Box Jumps (24/20”)
Squat Clean Thrusters (40/30kg) or use DB’s